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Simulating IoT Events - with Zio Streams

This is the second part of a series about simulating and analysing IoT events using Zio Streams.

In the previous blog Speeding up Time with Zio Test I looked at generating timed events using the Zio Test Clock.

In this blog I am going to make use of that to simulate IoT temperature sensors for a refrigerated vehicle (the example is chosen because it’s close to the day job at Optrak

Zio streams features in this article:

I want a stream of chill events

  trait Event {
    def at: Instant

  case class ChillEvent(vehicleId: String, temperature: Temperature, at: Instant) extends Event

To be vaguely realistic, the temperature of the vehicle at one instant is going to be related to the temperature at the previous instant. Therefore I cannot simply generate random events - I need to link them somehow.

In this particular case I am going to assume that temperature takes a biased “self-correcting” random walk around the target temperature - which is the thermostat value. I’m no refrigeration engineer but it’s sufficient for testing the streaming. But I could construct alternative models.

To implement the process I am going to use ZStream.unfoldM:

  final def unfoldM[R, E, A, S](s: S)(f0: S => ZIO[R, E, Option[(A, S)]]): ZStream[R, E, A] =

To create stream of type A, this takes an initial state and a function that converts the state into an Option of the new state and A. It’s an Option to allow the generation process to terminate with None.

To implement this in a general way, I create a typeclasss

  trait EventGenerator[Evt, S] {
    def generate(s: S): ZIO[ZEnv, Nothing, Option[(Evt, S)]]

My events are going to be evenly spaced, so I created the convenience method:

  def generatedStream[Evt, S](initialState: S, generator: EventGenerator[Evt, S], timing: JDuration) =

Note that throughout I’m using java.time with

import java.time.{Duration => JDuration}

as this is part of my external model. You could equally well use zio Duration or scala.concurrent.Duration.

Example, A Biased Random Temperature Generator

My ChillEvent generator, for state, only requires the previous ChillEvent (a more complex variant might require the previous n events). But I also want some “control” constants. So my EventGenerator can be implemented as (though the details are not really important) follows:

   * creates an EventGenerator implementing biased random walk. Note this is not
   * intended to emulate real refrigeration units - just give us some numbers to play with
   * @param variation maximum we should change at each tick
   * @param centre target temperature to which we are biased
   * @param bias number in range 0 - 1 representing the proportion
   *             of ticks at which we attempt to move towards the centre
  def centeringRandomWalkGenerator(variation: Double, centre: Double, bias: Double): EventGenerator[ChillEvent, ChillEvent] = { s =>
    for {
      random <- getRandom
      d1a <- random.nextDouble
      d1 = d1a * 2 - 1
      d2 <- random.nextDouble
      rawAmount = if (d2 < bias) {
        // we want to move towards centre
        val direction = if (s.temperature > centre) -1 else 1
        Math.abs(d1) * direction
      } else d1
      adjustedAmount = rawAmount * variation
      nw <- now // gets the current time from, the clock
      newEvent = s.copy(temperature = adjustedAmount, at = nw)
    } yield Some((newEvent, newEvent))

Now to actually run this to produce the stream we can use the following zio-test code:

  suite("test emitting stream")(
    testM("random walk"){
      for {
        nw <- // utility method gets current time as instant from Clock
        initialState = ChillEvent("vehicle1", -18.0, nw)
        _ <- fastTime(JDuration.ofSeconds(60), JDuration.ofMillis(10))
        randomWalker = Generators.centeringRandomWalkGenerator(1, -10, 0.1)
        stream = EventStreams.generatedStream(initialState, randomWalker, JDuration.ofMinutes(1)).take(200)
        sink = Sink.collectAll[ChillEvent]
        runner <-
        _ <-"${runner.mkString("\n")}"))
      } yield {
        assert(runner.size, equalTo(200))

Inspection of the end of the console output gives:


So we are moving from an initial temperature of -18 to one that is centred around -10 - our expected result.

The fastTime method is a convenience method derived from the work in the previous blog

  def fastTime(testIntervals: JDuration, liveIntervals: JDuration) =

Emulating Transmission Delays

Mobile IoT sensors may take send regular readings, but they do not necessarily arrive evenly spaced at the other end - for example my truck might be travelling though a an area with no signal. I want to emulate that behaviour. To do this I want a wrapper event:

  case class ReceivedEvent[Evt](event: Evt, receivedAt: Instant) extends Event {
    override def at = receivedAt

Simplistic Solution with mapM

One way of achieving this might be with the ZStream mapM function:

  def randomEventDelayStream[Evt <: Event](inStream: ZStream[ZEnv with Clock, Nothing, Evt]) =
    inStream.mapM { ev =>
      randomDuration(JDuration.ofMillis(10), JDuration.ofSeconds(10)).map { d =>
        val receivedTime =
        ReceivedEvent(ev, receivedTime)

This will randomly delay the event’s receipt at the other other end.

However, this is not really what we want for a couple of reasons:

Generating a “delay” stream

Instead of using random delays, we could generate a stream of delays, then combine that with our original stream. Let’s see how that might be done.

  case class Delay(amount: JDuration)

The generator itself is built using the same technique as for the ChillEvents. The logic is not particulary important for our streams investigation but I’ve included for completeness.

   * arbitrarily generate delays or reduce arrays already there
   * @param howOften how often do we actually get delays
   * @param variation max delay we want to create
   * @param standardDelay all messages are delayed by a few milliseconds
   * @param sampleFrequency how frequently our source main stream set is generating events
  def delayGenerator(howOften: JDuration,
                     variation: JDuration,
                     standardDelay: JDuration,
                     sampleFrequency: JDuration): EventGenerator[Delay, Delay] =
    new EventGenerator[Delay, Delay] {
      private val sampleFrequencyMillis = sampleFrequency.toMillis
      private val howOftenDbl = sampleFrequency.toMillis.toDouble / howOften.toMillis // we will use this to get probability of introducing new delay
      private val standardDelayMillis = standardDelay.toMillis

      override def generate(s: Delay): ZIO[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, Option[(Delay, Delay)]] = {
        val sMillis = s.amount.toMillis
        val newMillis = if (sMillis > sampleFrequency.toMillis)
          IO.succeed(JDuration.ofMillis(sMillis - sampleFrequency.toMillis))
        else if (sMillis > standardDelayMillis)
        else for {
          r <- randomDouble
          newDelay <- if (r > howOftenDbl) // we don't want a new one
          else randomDuration(standardDelay, variation)
        } yield newDelay { nd =>
          Some((Delay(nd), Delay(nd)))

We can test it with:

    testM("run delay"){
      val initialState = Delay(JDuration.ofMillis(0))
      val delayer = Generators.delayGenerator(howOften = JDuration.ofMinutes(10),
        variation = JDuration.ofSeconds(300),
        standardDelay = JDuration.ofMillis(10),
        sampleFrequency = JDuration.ofSeconds(20)
      val delays = ZStream.unfoldM(initialState)(delayer.generate).take(200)
      val sink = Sink.collectAll[Delay]
      for {
        runner <-
        _ <-"${runner.mkString("\n")}"))
      } yield {
        assert(runner.size, equalTo(200))

Inspection of some of the output shows that most delays are 0.01s but at one point we hit the sequence:


which shows the output we want - successive delays of 20s less than the previous delay. For a reporting cycle of 20s this will effectively lead to a bunch of consecutive signals arriving immediately one after the other - as our truck comes back into signal range.

Combining the results

    testM("run delayed chills"){
      val initialDelay = Delay(JDuration.ofMillis(0))
      val delayer = Generators.delayGenerator(howOften = JDuration.ofMinutes(10),
        variation = JDuration.ofSeconds(300),
        standardDelay = JDuration.ofMillis(10),
        sampleFrequency = JDuration.ofSeconds(20)
      val delays = ZStream.unfoldM(initialDelay)(delayer.generate)
      for {
        _ <- fastTime(JDuration.ofSeconds(10), JDuration.ofMillis(5))
        initialChill <- Support.initialiseState
        randomWalker = Generators.centeringRandomWalkGenerator(1, -10, 0.1)
        chillStream = EventStreams.generatedStream(initialChill, randomWalker, JDuration.ofSeconds(20))
        receivedEvents = { pair =>
        sink = Sink.collectAll[ReceivedEvent[ChillEvent]]
        runner <-
        _ <-"${runner.mkString("\n")}"))
      } yield {
        assert(runner.size, equalTo(200))

Having created the two streams - “delays” and “chillStream”, we zip them together to create stream of tuples (Delay, ChillEvent), then map that to a ReceivedEvent.

Note that we can apply the take(200) to the zipped and mapped stream. Zio Streams is pull-based so we will only create 200 of each input stream.

The results are as expected - here is a snippet that shows the injected delay, with the messages all bunching up as they are received almost at the same time before the situation reverts to normal.


Simulating Multiple Vehicles

Finally, we want to emulate the results of an IoT “system” returning results from a small fleet of vehicles. We would expect the system to be sending all results back in a unified stream (in the next blog, we’ll use Kafka to send the data from the IoT collection to the analytic backend).

Conceptually, this is straight-forward

We expect the results to be more-or-less time-ordered on “receivedAt” but so long as they are ordered within each vehicle this is not critical as there is no expected causal relationship between refrigeration units on different vehicles.

The following code is largely a rearrangement of the previous examples:

    testM("multiple vehicles"){
      val initialDelay = Delay(JDuration.ofMillis(0))
      val delayer = Generators.delayGenerator(howOften = JDuration.ofMinutes(10),
        variation = JDuration.ofSeconds(300),
        standardDelay = JDuration.ofMillis(10),
        sampleFrequency = JDuration.ofSeconds(20)
      val randomWalker = Generators.centeringRandomWalkGenerator(1, -10, 0.1)

      def vehicleStream(i: Int, startAt: Instant) = {
        val initialChill = ChillEvent(s"v-$i", -18.0, startAt)
        val chillStream = EventStreams.generatedStream(initialChill, randomWalker, JDuration.ofSeconds(20))
        val delays = ZStream.unfoldM(initialDelay)(delayer.generate) { pair =>

      for {
        _ <- fastTime(JDuration.ofSeconds(10), JDuration.ofMillis(5))
        nw <-
        streams = { v => vehicleStream(v, nw)}
        combined = ZStream.mergeAllUnbounded()(streams:_*)
        sink = Sink.collectAll[ReceivedEvent[ChillEvent]]
        runner <- combined.take(2000).run(sink)
        _ <-"${runner.mkString("\n")}"))
      } yield {
        assert(runner.size, equalTo(2000))

The only new feature is that we are now creating multiple streams and using ZStream.mergeAllUnbounded to collect them into a single stream.

Sample output:


Source code

Source code can be found on github in the streams subproject