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ZIO - Http4s Part4 - Custom Codecs

Codecs are used to convert Http request and response bodies to and from the things that are meaningful to your program.

Http4s comes with support for json via circe and some other lower-level codecs. But it is by no means a complete set for all requirements.

This example shows how to construct a custom codec for use with http4s and Zio. In this case the data type is Person and we’re going to encode it in xml.

Note, there is quite a lot of information plus available examples on http4s Encoders and Decoders on the http4s web site and in the source code. I used the circe json encoders and decoders as models.

// Simple data type used for encoding and decoding
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

object Person {
  val donald = Person("Donald Trump", 73)
  val joe = Person("Joe Biden", 76)


We will use the standard scala xml library. To make the code general we use an XmlWriter typeclass that produces a scala.xml.Node

  trait XmlWriter[A] {
    def write(a: A): Node

For Person the implementation is very simple, using the scala xml api

  implicit val personXmlWriter: XmlWriter[Person] = { p =>

Next we need to create the implicit encoder

 implicit def xmlEntityEncoder[F[_] : Monad, X](implicit writer: XmlWriter[X]): EntityEncoder[F, X] =
      .contramap { x: X =>
        val node = writer.write(x)
        val s = new PrettyPrinter(80, 2).format(node) // just because it's easier to debug

Breaking this down, we use an implicit XmlWriter. This encodes the content as a string - we’ve decided to pretty print the output to aid in tracing and debugging. The Encoder is also responsible for adding a content-type to the message.


Again we use scala xml - here for the example a non-particularly subtle procedure. Our parser can produce an error message in this case

  trait XmlParser[A] {
    def parse(node: Node): Either[String, A]
  implicit val personXmlParser: XmlParser[Person] = { node =>
    try {
      val name = (node \ "name").head.text
      val age = (node \ "age").head.text.toInt
      Right(Person(name, age))
    } catch {
      case e : Exception => Left("parse error in xml")

Purely for testing purposes I added an additional utility method

  def parseIO[T](s: String)(implicit xmlParser: XmlParser[T]): Task[T] =
    IO.effect {
      val xml = XML.loadString(s)
      xmlParser.parse(xml) match {
        case Left(err) => throw new Exception(err)
        case Right(t) => t

Using the encoders and decoders

Ensure your decoder and encoder are in scope

import zhx.encoding.Encoders._

object Hello3Service {

  private val dsl = Http4sDsl[Task]
  import dsl._

  val service = HttpRoutes.of[Task] {
    case GET -> Root => Ok("hello3!")
    case GET -> Root / "president" => Ok(Person.donald) // uses implicit encoder
    case req @ POST -> Root / "ageOf" =>
      req.decode[Person] { m => Ok(m.age.toString)}

The actual encoding and decoding in the service is all done by implicits. So

  case GET -> Root / "president" => Ok(Person.donald) // uses implicit encoder

will automatically create a 200 response with the body of MediaType.application.xml and the appropriate data.


    case req @ POST -> Root / "ageOf" =>
      req.decode[Person] { m => Ok(m.age.toString)}

will expect to decode an xml body of type person.


The service can be tested directly.

object TestHello3Service extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
  override def spec = suite("routes suite")(
    testM("president returns donald") {
      for {
        response <-[Task](Method.GET, uri"/president"))
        body <- =>""))
        parsed <- parseIO(body)
      } yield assert(parsed)(equalTo(Person.donald))
    testM("joe is 76") {
      val rq = Request[Task](Method.POST, uri"/ageOf")
      for {
        response <-
        body <- =>""))
      } yield assert(body)(equalTo("76"))


Putting it all together - Authentication plus Codecs

So to wrap it up, the final service uses both Authentication and custom codecs:

class Hello4Service[R <: Authenticator] {

  type AuthenticatorTask[T] = RIO[R, T]
  private val dsl = Http4sDsl[AuthenticatorTask]
  import dsl._

  val service = AuthedRoutes.of[AuthToken, AuthenticatorTask] {
    case GET -> Root as authToken => Ok("hello4!")
    case GET -> Root / "president" as authToken => Ok(Person.donald) // uses implicit encoder
    case ContextRequest(authToken, req @ POST -> Root / "ageOf") =>
      req.decode[Person] { m => Ok(m.age.toString)}


Tested with:

object TestHello4Service extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
  override def spec = suite("routes suite") (
    testM("president returns donald") {
      val req1 = Request[withMiddleware.AppTask](Method.GET, uri"/president")
      val req = AuthenticationHeaders.addAuthentication(req1, "tim", "friend")
      val io = for {
        response <-
        body <- =>""))
        parsed <- parseIO(body)
      } yield parsed
    testM("joe is 76") {
      val req1 = Request[withMiddleware.AppTask](Method.POST, uri"/ageOf")
      val req = AuthenticationHeaders.addAuthentication(req1, "tim", "friend")
      val io = for {
        response <-
        body <- =>""))
      } yield body


object MoreMiddlewares {
  val hello4Service1 = new Hello4Service[Authenticator]
  val hello4Service = Router[withMiddleware.AppTask](
    "" -> withMiddleware.authenticationMiddleware(hello4Service1.service))


Note that due to the rapid rate of development of Zio prior to the 1.0 release and external factors, both code samples and data may be out of date by the time you read this post.